Eli Lashlee

Eli was a devoted horse and great love. After a lifetime filled with love, Eli and his person were prevented from a peaceful and well-deserved final goodbye as the result of a truly horrible euthanasia gone wrong (18-94).

Eli was a Polish Arabian dearly loved by his person. A very beautiful horse, he joined his forever person at the age of 12. They were together for the next 24 years and developed a lifelong bond. In the words of his person, he was very cared for, but we will never truly know how much he was loved.

At the age of 35 he was unable to stand and had to be put to sleep, so his person tried to do her best for Eli out of a lifetime of love and ease his passing. His person will be haunted by what happened that day for the rest of her life, but Eli will forever be remembered with nothing but pure love.